Yukon Territory

Yukon is Authentic

Canada's True North is rugged and beautiful, pristine and larger than life. The immensity of the Yukon wilderness means unparalleled choice. More than 80 percent of the Yukon is wild, compared to a North and Central American average of 40 percent. Much of the Yukon's most spectacular wilderness is preserved within comprehensive national and territorial parks and other protected areas. And we're going to leave it this way.


Northern Manitoba

From our pristine lakes to our rugged landscape and endless sky, Northern Manitoba has something to offer the adventurer in you. See the untouched wilderness and the hundreds of species of wildlife—from polar bears and beluga whales, to caribou and arctic fox. Hear the roar of our majestic waterfalls and the haunting call of the loon. Taste bannock baked over a campfire and feel the warmth of our communities as they welcome you with open arms.


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